Korzystam z systemu DBLG1 w połączeniu z CGM Dexcom G6 i pompą Accu-Chek Insight już prawie 2 miesiące! 🙃 Żyjąc 28 lat z cukrzycą typu 1 nie spodziewałam się, że pojawi się system, który tak ułatwi mi życie 🥰 Wszystko w ramach tego systemu mam refundowane w Belgii w ramach programu "drogie technologie" - za tą możliwość moje dane będą zbierane przez 2 lata by zbadać wpływ DBLG1 na poprawę jakości życia osoby z cukrzycą typu 1. DBLG1 (Diabeloop Generation 1) to system hybrydowej zamkniętej pętli z samouczącym się algorytmem. DBLG1 - algorytm hostowany w dedykowanym urządzeniu - łączy sensor do ciągłego monitorowania glikemii (CGM) i pompę insulinową, aby zautomatyzować decyzje dotyczące podawania insuliny. System nie wymaga kalibracji, ale istnieje taka możliwość. 💙 Urządzenie DBLG1 jest sercem systemu: - Wyświetla wszystkie informacje na temat CGM-u, pompy i pętli (m.in. poziom glukozy, status urządzeń, statystyki) - Służy do wprowadzania danych (posiłek - węglow...
Weronika BurkotArtist & Illustrator | Content Creator | Diabetes Advocate
My name is Weronika, I am a Polish artist and content creator based in Belgium. My professional background is in Exhibition Design & Visual Communication, Pedagogy in Art Education, and Internet Marketing. I have been living with type 1 diabetes since 1995.
I experienced diabetes burnout in 2013 when my diabetes officially became an “adult”. I was overwhelmed to be so young, and already living with type 1 for 18 years. I was sad that diabetes would stay with me for the rest of my life. I wanted to do something about this situation. My diabetologist noticed that I was acting differently and that my blood sugars were worse. He was the one to suggest psychotherapy and helped me get back on my feet. I had professional support, but I wanted to do something more. I tried to change my perspective on diabetes and that’s how I started my blog. Sharing my problems, hopes and dreams helped me understand that I am not alone. I began to be active within my local diabetes community, and that’s how my journey began…
For the past decade, I have been involved in various health- or diabetes-focused programmes, campaigns, and actions:
As a speaker or a project/campaign leader
- Creative Diabetes Awareness Month 2024 - Online Diabetes Art Workshops
- Workshops "Diabetes well-being workshop through Art" at the Thriveabetes 2024
- Diabtober 2023 Instagram Art Challenge
- Presentation "Diabetes Art + Advocacy" at the DiabetesMine Innovation Days 2022
- Workshops "Expressing Diabetes Through Art" at the IDF Europe Hackathon 2022
- Presentation "Man-made humanitarian crises - The conflict in Ukraine" (with Iryna Vlasenko, Elisabeth Dupont, and Anna Śliwińska) at the IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2022 Poland
- Presentation "What are personas and how to use them?" at the IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2022 Poland
- Diabetes supplies for Ukraine collection action with the Polish Diabetes Association
- "If not now, when?" Panel at the mojacukrzyca.org WDD Virtual Conference
- How Patients Dispose of Diabetes Waste Panel at the Virtual Green Diabetes Summit 2021
- Insulina 100 social media campaign for Poland
- Type1EU - Insulin 100 social media campaign
- Presentation "Diabetes camps in Poland" at the Global Youth Meet 2021
- Presentation "Online advocacy - how to raise awareness through social media" (with Andy Rodríguez) at the Global Youth Meet 2021
- Presentation "Diabetes & Mental Health" at the Global Youth Meet 2021
- Lecture during the workshop for youth organized by the Zagreb Diabetes Association
- Lecture during the 10th session of IDF Europe Youth Leadership Lab 2020
- Type1EU - Diabetes & COVID-19 social media campaign
- Type1EU - Diabetes Community UNITED social media campaign
- Type1EU - Reduce Diabetes Technology Waste social media campaign
- Presentation of Type1EU initiative at the ATTD #docday° 2020 Madrid
- Presentation „A Year in Life with Diabetes” - YLD Prize Programme winning project (2nd place) at the YLD Training Summit at the IDF Congress 2019 Busan
- Presentation "How to Take the YLD Programme to the Next Level" - YLD Social Media (with Dimitris Kaperdanakis) at the YLD Training Summit at the IDF Congress 2019 Busan
- IDF Europe eUrMOVE Challenge 2019
- Presentation of eUrMOVE Challenge at the EASD #docday° 2019 Barcelona
- European Health Parliament Committee on Health Literacy & Self-care social media campaign
- IDF Europe eUrMOVE Challenge, International Diabetes Federation Road to WDD 2018
- ConnecT1on campaign on Instagram (2018-2019)
- Presentation of the ConnecT1on campaign at the EASD #docday° 2018 Berlin
- "A Year in Life with Diabetes" video project (2018-2019)
- Lecture "A Year in Life with Diabetes" at the XIII National Conference New Dimension of Self-control in Diabetes 2018 organized by the Polish Federation of Education in Diabetology
- Lecture at the Diabetes without Mysteries Conference at the Medical University of Warsaw
- IDF Europe eUrMOVE Challenge 2017
- Workshops "Communication and Social Media for Campaigning" at the IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2017 Romania
- 70 World Health Assembly in Geneva - NCD Child event panel speaker
- Workshops for people with diabetes in the Polish Diabetes Association (2016-2017)
- Lecture about diabetes in Jan Śniadecki High School in Warsaw on World Health Day 2017
- IDF Europe eUrMOVE Challenge 2016
- Lecture as a part of action Lectures by young - "Sweet Epidemic of XXI century, or everything we wanted to know about diabetes"
- Lecture as a part of action Lectures by young - "Willpower, or about the mechanisms of self-control and habits"
- Lecture about diabetes at the seminar Dissipate the Darkness in the Association Retina AMD Polska
As a participant in training, programs, or workshops
- #TogetherAs1 international workshops 2023 Berlin
- IDF Europe Hackathon 2022
- IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2022 Poland (mentor)
- International workshops for bloggers Diabetes Exchange dXVirtual 2021
- #TogetherAs1 international workshops 2020 Madrid
- International workshops for bloggers Diabetes Exchange dXVirtual 2020
- IDF YLD Training Summit 2019 Busan
- International workshops for bloggers Diabetes Exchange dXLisbon 2019
- Final MooDFOOD Project - Preventing Depression Through Food
- The IDF School of Diabetes - IDF Online Short Course on Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes
- European Health Parliament 2018-2019, Committee on Health Literacy & Self-care
- DR Barometer European Advocacy Workshops 2018
- International workshops for bloggers Diabetes Exchange dXDublin 2018
- European Patients’ Forum Summer Training Course for Young Patients’ Advocates 2018
- IDF YLD Training Summit 2017 Abu Dhabi
- IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2017 Romania (staff)
- IDF Europe Staff Exchange Programme 2017
- IDF Europe Youth Leadership Camp 2016 Cyprus
- International workshops for bloggers Diabetes Exchange DX2 2016 Lisbon
- Anti-discrimination training organized by the Federation of the Help Organisation for Children and Adolescent Patients with Diabetes
- Course for Diabetes Educator organized by the Federation of the Help Organisation for Children and Adolescent Patients with Diabetes
As a participant in a campaign, project, or an event
- Hack Healthcare 2024 - Hack Belgium Labs
- Diabetes Life in Art - DData ExChange June 2024
- Diabetes Life in Art - Fall 2023 DiabetesMine Innovation Days
- Diabetes art exhibition for Diabetes Awareness Month 2023 at Landhuis de Viron
- Diabetes Life in Art - DData ExChange June 2023
- Hack Healthcare 2023 - Hack Belgium Labs
- ATTD 2023 Berlin
- DiabetesMine Innovation Days 2022 San Francisco
- Hack Healthcare 2022 - Hack Belgium Labs
- WHO Informal Consultation with People Living with Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Conditions in the European Region 2022
- This is Diabetes - Photo and Art Competition for World Diabetes Day 2021
- Virtual Green Diabetes Summit 2021
- Myabetic Diabetes Art Show 2021 - The Art of Living with Diabetes
- DiabetesMine D-Data ExChange Summer 2021
- Virtual ATTD 2021
- Cukrzyca Tech Fest 2021
- Warsaw Press Diabetes Under Control campaign (2020, 2021)
- IDF x HRIDAY Global Youth Meet Group
- Care Beyond Borders, Together Summit
- Beyond Type 1 #DiabetesAnd project
- Virtual ISPAD 2020
- Virtual EASD 2020
- ATTD 2020 Madrid
- IDF Congress 2019 Busan
- Improving health outcomes for people with diabetes in Europe: The role of data, access to innovation and integrated care event at the European Parliament in Brussels
- IDF Europe Symposium at the European Parliament 2019
- EASD 2019 Barcelona
- Hack Belgium 2019 - DIAgotchi project
- We Europeans Congress: Citizens’ meeting at the European Parliament
- Spare A Rose, Save a Child - Life for a Child Campaign
- Diabetes and Chronic Diseases, the challenge of EU Nutrition legislation. A case on carbohydrate quality and prevention - Roundtable discussion at the European Parliament in Brussels
- EU Health 2024: What’s next for the future of health?
- EU Health Summit 2018 Brussels
- IDF Europe World Diabetes Day 2018 Blood Sugar Testing at the European Commission in Brussels
- Free internal market vs. National protectionism - What is Europe’s role in eHealth for the Future?
- EASD 2018 Berlin
- IDF UN HLM on NCDs 2018 Campaign
- Support in the online fundraising for the purchase of a 3D printer for the bionic pancreas project of the Foundation for Research and Science Development
- IDF Congress 2017 Abu Dhabi
- IDF Europe World Diabetes Day 2017 Diabetes Awareness Exhibition and Blood Sugar Testing at the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission in Brussels
- IDF Europe "Integrating Diabetes Evidence Into Practice: Challenges and Opportunities to Bridge the Gaps" (Social Media Analytics)
- IDF Advocacy Toolkit CVD in Diabetes (Graphic Designs)
- T1International Global Diabetes Map - information about Poland (update)
- IDF "Take Diabetes To Heart" international survey on CVD and diabetes (Polish language translation and promotion on social media)
- "Life with Diabetes" Campaign for World Diabetes Day 2017 in Poland
- The „Get your sugar together” Campaign organized by the Polish Foundation for Research and Science Development
- European Public Health Alliance 2017 Annual Conference
- European Public Health Alliance Game Changers Conference: "For better and affordable medicines for Europe"
- "The Great Personalized Medicine" debate
- "The Patient Journey: Improving the quality of life of people living with chronic diseases"
- Warsaw Campaign "See Diabetes" to celebrate World Diabetes Day 2016 organized by the Foundation for Children with Diabetes and Polish Diabetes Association
- "How to live with Diabetes" Polish campaign for World Diabetes Day (2014, 2015, 2017)
- Social action "Menu for the diabetic" organized by the Polish Coalition to Fight Diabetes
- International Educational Project Human Library in Artes Liberales College of Warsaw University
- International Educational Project Human Library in Zygmunt Jan Rumel Public Library in Warsaw
- Congress Education of Equal Opportunities (II Congress of Psychological and Pedagogical Help) organized by PCG Education in Warsaw
- 1st Training Conference: "Don’t give up! Call diabetes by its name!"
- Hypo & Hyper Accu-Chek Calendar 2014