For many people with diabetes, it is hard to talk about their problems. Image-making makes a good tool when words can be hard to find, and they can be even harder to speak when you are overwhelmed by an event, such as a diabetes diagnosis. When you express yourself creatively, the tension is released and in the art form you can see your problem, you can touch your problem, and you have the chance to contemplate, reflect and find ways to cope with it. The method is different, but the goal is the same: to have a more fulfilling life with diabetes.
Workshop for PwDs - Expressing Diabetes Through Art
This workshop is dedicated to people living with any type of diabetes. The goal of this workshop is to empower and inspire PwDs through art exercises and to give them helpful tools for the future.
The workshop can be focused on one of the topics presented below depending on the needs and expectations of the group:
- Draw Your Diabetes
- Diabetes Doodle Diary
- Diabetes Advocacy & Art
Workshop for Professionals - Understanding Diabetes Through Art
This workshop is dedicated to people representing the medical, pharmaceutical or med-tech industry. The goal of this workshop is to help understand diabetes-related challenges through art exercises that are tailored especially for stakeholders surrounding PwDs.
The workshop can be focused on one of the topics presented below depending on the needs and expectations of the group:
- Diabetes Journey
- Diabetes Language
- Diabetes Complications
What can you expect?
- Engaging art events with various activities dedicated to your group
- No previous art experience/education or art skills required
- I will come to your location in Belgium (NL, FR, DE, LUX also possible)
To book your individually-tailored diabetes art workshop please contact me at I will be happy to answer any additional questions via email or during an online call (feel free to propose a date and time). There is a possibility for an online workshop.
Are you looking for an artist who can draw for your project?
My scope of services includes among other things:
- Illustration for social media
- Illustration for books
- Visual recording of events (live or after the event)
- Engagement templates for events
- Graphic facilitation at meetings (live or after the event)
- Other live drawings e.g. interview portraits